How to choose colors and fonts that fit your brand

To Share . To Connect . To Inspire


Choosing the right colors and fonts for your brand is an important part of creating a memorable impression. It’s one thing to have great designs and another thing altogether to make sure that those designs fit in with your target audience, both visually and emotionally. To help you make this critical decision, we’ve put together this guide on what colors work best for various industries and situations.

Brand color

Be sure to create a clear and targeted customer persona.

Customer personas are a great way to define your target audience, and they can also help you make creative design decisions.

The first step is to create a customer persona. The goal here is to find out what characteristics your ideal customer has in common, both physical and mental. For example, if you’re selling products related to fitness and nutrition, then you must know what kinds of people use those products—and what their motivations are for doing so (e.g., weight loss). You’ll want these insights when creating marketing materials like advertisements or websites—and even how the product itself looks!

Once you have an idea about who would buy from you (or not), consider how this information could be used as part of future designs: Maybe certain colors would work better with certain messages; perhaps fonts should be bolder/smaller depending on where they appear on the screen; maybe certain colors convey more trustworthiness than others do… The possibilities are endless!

Consider the customer’s needs and wants as well as your own.

As you’re developing a brand, consider the needs of your customers and their wants. What do they need from you? What does your brand stand for? How does it fit in with those things?

You can’t just make any typeface that looks good on the page—you’ll have to think about what makes sense for your brand.

For example, if you are an educational website about astronomy, it would make sense to use an italicized font (such as Times New Roman) because this typeface is often used by astronomers when writing scientific papers.

Your brand’s personality shouldn’t contradict the customer’s personality.

When you’re choosing colors, fonts, and other creative design elements, your brand’s personality should not contradict the personality of your customer. If it does, you could lose customers because they don’t feel like they’re being communicated with properly.

This is especially important when marketing to millennials (young adults born between 1980 and 2000), who are notoriously picky about their brands and what they buy into. For example, if you want them to buy from your company because they share similar interests as yours—like eating healthy food or exercising regularly—make sure that these things aren’t at odds with one another in terms of color schemes or font choices.

Consider using these colors in different ways.

Red can evoke action, love, passion, desire, anger, excitement, and speed. Do you want these feelings to play a part in your brand? Red goes very well with black and dark blue.

Red is an attention-grabbing color. It can evoke love, passion, anger, and excitement. Do you want these feelings to play a part in your brand? Red goes very well with black and dark blue.

Orange-can be used to embody warmth, confidence, wisdom, optimism, a good price, or affordability. Orange also goes well with blue (like red), as well as yellow and white.

Orange is a good color to use in your logo because it can be associated with the following:

Yellow-represents joy, creativity, and freshness. Yellow is bright and eye-catching, especially when used with white or black. When creating logos, use yellow with care because it can strain the eyes even when used sparingly.

The color yellow has been associated with happiness since its origins in ancient Egypt, where it was thought to be a symbol of wealth and good fortune.

Green-evokes money and success but also nature and peace of mind — which will your brand help them chase? Green pairs well with gray or white.

Blue-invokes trust, security, success, and stability; also, tech companies tend to like blue for this reason. Blue also pairs well with black or white.

The best way to use color in your brand is by pairing it with other colors. For example, if you have an app that allows users to upload photos of themselves for others to see online (like Instagram), then using purple as the background color would be a good choice because it feels friendly and inviting. On the other hand, using red could make people feel uneasy about uploading their photos because they might think that their pictures will be seen by too many people at once—that might not mean much though, since most users don’t even know how many followers they have on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter!


Choosing the right colors for your brand can be tough, but if you keep these guidelines in mind, it should help. The best way to find out which colors will work for your company is by doing some research on other brands that have similar goals to yours and seeing what they use. Also, make sure not to overuse one color because it could end up being too similar-looking or even distracting from what’s important about your product or service.

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